Please send your compiled notes to the Development Office by April 30, 2025.
Guidelines for Class Notes
Please limit notes to 50-100 words per person. Ideally, we are looking for updates on new jobs, promotions, births, moves, and marriages. Ellis reserves the right to edit class notes for length and style.
Only submit notes that were sent to you (please do not write notes for classmates).
Please use the First, MAIDEN, and/or Last Names and class year (ex. Sally RIAL Phelps '58) of each alumna mentioned. If you are uncertain of the name, please contact the Development Office.
All class notes should be written in first-person voice. The note should be left in the voice of the person submitting it, and not on behalf of other classmates.
Submit notes directly to or on the Ellis website via the form below.
Typed or written class notes may be submitted to: Advancement Office, The Ellis School, 6425 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Please include any change of email or postal address from your classmates. If you receive a new address from a classmate, please forward this information to the Advancement Office to help us update our records.
Please send any photos directly to Ellis; please include a caption for each photo. Please note that each photo must include an alumna.
Photos must be in JPG format and 300 DPI. Cell phone photo files are often not large enough to print clearly. Ellis reserves the right to reject low-resolution or poor-quality photos.
Not all pictures can be printed. The Ellis Magazine designers make the final photo decisions.
If you have any questions, please contact Elisa Lucke, Assistant Director of Alumnae Relations, at or 412-661-5992 x125.